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What We Do:
Asbestos Demolition and Refurbishment Surveys
Asbestos Management Surveys
Asbestos Sample Collection and Analysis
Asbestos Management Plans
Asbestos Awareness Training
Onsite Asbestos Consulting Services
Air Monitoring and Clearance Inspections
Quick Emergency Works Response (i.e. earthquakes, fire/storm damage, the discovery of contaminated fill etc.)
Asbestos Registers
IANZ Accredited Lab Reports for Building Material and Asbestos Dust Samples
Lead paint and E.Coli water testing
Our Services
We Also Do
Sampling and
Why Choose Us?
Helping business and property owners meet not only their legal obligation, but their moral obligation as well.
AirSafe offers high quality environmental services to the New Zealand market with a wealth of knowledge and experience in all aspects of asbestos management and remediation advice. As an Environmental Asbestos consultancy, AirSafe specializes in all asbestos related issues and able to provide a full range of services which range from all types of visual inspections, asbestos surveys, sampling and analysis, asbestos management plans, project management, on-site asbestos consulting and site supervision, analytical air testing provision and management, and sample bulk analysis. In effect a one-stop shop for any asbestos related work.
AirSafe Consultants continue to successfully deliver Asbestos Consultancy and Management Services, both reactive and planned, to a large client base from both the public and private sectors. Clients include, but are not limited to, Real Estate Agents, Construction Consortiums, Malls, Industrial and Community Buildings, Housing Associations, and Removal and Demolition Companies.
AirSafe believes that productive and successful relationships are the driving force behind the completion of successful projects. To make progress we have to build stronger relationships to develop a multi-stakeholder process, harnessing the appropriate energies to complete tasks resourcefully while at the same time providing the best results. We work closely with our clients and suppliers to build and sustain a successful network and together create bilateral collaborative relationships that provides value for all.
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